Monday, 12 October 2015

Beauty Advice for my Younger Self

When comparing my overall beauty routine and look to 4 or 5 years ago lets just say I have come a long way. There are so many things I wish I knew so that I could save myself from a lot of embarrassment, although all those embarrassing appearance moments has given me the chance to learn from my mistakes, which is what it's all about.

Saying this though there are somethings that someone should really have sat me down and told me NOT to do!

I can't tell you the amount of times I have cringed at my old photos where I can't even see my eyebrows. Okay fair enough having thicker eyebrows wasn't really a thing back then, but not having any eyebrows? I'm pretty sure that wasn't a thing either. I didn't even know filling in your eyebrows was a thing and I didn't need to fill them in either. But when I discovered tweezers I got obsessed with plucking my eyebrows, to be fair I still really like plucking my eyebrows, is it weird that I like the feeling! But I wish I either left them alone or got them done properly by a PROFESSIONAL because then I wouldn't have had to grow them out over the last few years which was difficult for a plucker obsessed girl. Eyebrows frame your face they are so important so just wait until they really need shaping. I can say I have learnt from this experience but I could have done without it for photographs sake.

#2 You don't need to wear foundation.
I remember the day I bought my first liquid foundation. Because of dancing I had used them before in shows but they needed to be dark for the bright lighting and I wouldn't put it on myself my Mum would do it for me. I went into town on a weekend shopping with friends I must have been 11 or 12 and we took a trip into boots around all the high street make up. Now I never really had any skin problems up to this point, I was really lucky but soon after I started getting more spots not loads but a fair amount because I was slapping on a foundation that wasn't covering up anything! I remember my friend was buying a foundation because she already had one before and I thought I should get one because she's getting one. I had no idea what I was doing, all the colours looked the same to me so I just picked up what ever, I probably bought the cheapest possible, it was so orange and I had no idea about blending. I did go through that stage of having a dark line on my chin and I'd wear this too school! getting it all over my school shirt.

#3 Don't cut your hair just because everyone else is.
I think I must have been maybe year 6 or year 7 when I cut a good amount of hair off maybe 6 or 7 inches. I always had long hair pretty much to my bum, but all my friends had short hair and I really wanted to cut mine as well, Mother told me I'd regret it because she did the same thing and really regretted it. But I didn't listen. I wasn't aloud to cut it as shot as I wanted, my mum was protecting my beautiful locks, and I'm so glad she did this because it would have made it even harder to grow it out. I loved it at the time and I am glad I did it because it showed me how bad I look with mid shoulder length hair and an awful side fringe. Looking back I really only wanted to cut it because everyone else was and I know now not to do anything unless I really want to.

#4  Do your makeup in NATURAL lighting.
Having that awful foundation already made my makeup bad but the fact I'd do it either in the bathroom with over head yellow light or with my really yellow desk lamp making me think it blended perfect with my skin! Please do your makeup in natural light or in white light, lighting changes everything when you go outside YOU WILL LOOK LIKE AN UMPA LUMPA!

#5 Please take off your makeup at night - your young skin is important.
Most nights I'd take my makeup off with a make up wipe, but it's really bad, sometimes I'd sleep in it!That's probably what gave me my first array of spots. I wouldn't always cleanse either, your skin is so important, if you look after it, it will make such a difference to your makeup especially when your young and pre-puberty it's better to get a head start.

#6 Don't shave your legs yet!
Self explanatory, I started too early because my friends had and I  really didn't need to no one would have noticed at a young age. It was a waste of time and razors. Stay young for as long as possible!

What would you advise your younger self?


  1. Oh gosh, I can relate to all of these! I cut my hair so short when I was 11 or 12 after having long hair for many years and instantly regretted it! I also remember buying a lipstick when I was around the same age and it looked silver.. it definitely wasn't a good look! Let's just say I've learnt a lot from my beauty mistakes.. x

    1. Its so funny to think about it isn't it the silly things we thought were so amazing at the time and really it was not okay to wear your make up like that!

    2. Its so funny to think about it isn't it the silly things we thought were so amazing at the time and really it was not okay to wear your make up like that!

  2. I 100% agree with all of these and I would say the same to my younger self. Great post!

    1. Thank you theres so many more but these are the main ones. I really had no idea at all.

  3. Can relate to all of these, especially the unnecessary orange foundation one! Lovely post :) xx
    Chasing Belle 23

    1. Lol we all go through it really it is not a good look! Thank you!

  4. I completely relate to the not washing makeup off. I was so bad for this in highschool, and now I can't imagine going to bed with it on!

    xo, Liz

    1. It's so strange to think I did that I just feel so gross if I do that now.

  5. Great post!! Love these tips!!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
